Is that what the plane was called in the movie? It's actually a real plane, and its real name is what I am looking for. By the way, the squadron in the movie is the Sleepy Weasels but I can't find a reference to the O-3 Weasel. Bonus points to whoever knows the fictional name of the aircraft carrier in the movie!
After doing a little bit of looking: The Folland Gnat was a small, swept-wing British subsonic jet trainer and light fighter aircraft developed for the Royal Air Force, and flown extensively by the Indian Air Force. It was designed by W.E.W. Petter, and first flew in 1955. Its design allowed its construction without specialised tools by countries not highly industrialised.[1][2] Although never used as a fighter by the Royal Air Force (RAF), the Gnat T.1 trainer variant was widely used. The Gnat became well known as the mount for the RAF Red Arrows aerobatic team. The Gnat also achieved export success, particularly with India, the largest foreign operator who manufactured the aircraft under licence. India then developed the HAL Ajeet, a modified and improved variant. The Gnat is the smallest operational aircraft in its class in the whole world – it did not have a trainer aircraft for pilots to convert. The first solo was flown after a dual check on a Hunter Trainer and, hence, the first solo on the Gnat was traditionally logged as “1 Versus 1” ie “Combat of Pilot versus Aircraft!: As very aptly put by a Gnat Old-timer “ It requires a pilot to fly an aircraft – but it requires a man to fly the Gnat !”
I and my sisters were built for an ally now sanctioned. As designed, I featured elevated BTU pumping capacity and a livestock locker. Today, I continue on for another ally not sanctioned. Name the ally's and ship!
Congrats to Mr. Tyng. Your sneaky tactics have proven conclusively you have tiger blood in your veins, are a total bitchin' rock star from Mars, and can proudly proclaim, "I’m ?n F-18 bro ?nd I w?ll d??tr?? ??u ?n th? air ?nd I w?ll deploy m? ordnance t? th? ground." Winning.
He did it's right here "I and my sisters were built for an ally now sanctioned. As designed, I featured elevated BTU pumping capacity and a livestock locker. Today, I continue on for another ally not sanctioned. Name the ally's and ship!"
how could I have missed that?! Looks like I've got some research to do if I want to ask my question...
I don't log into the Forum often or I'd have answered Steve's question long ago: Based on the Spruance, we were built for the Shah, but Iran lost them in his fall. Taken over by Uncle Sam we were named Kidd, Callaghan, Scott and Chandler. But we were better known as the Ayatollah or "Dead Admiral." When our time was served we went to Tiawan. Now we are called the Kee Lung. Tom Tanner