Hemp, used in rope. The building of Yamato was to be totally secret and behind a screen of cloth made of hemp, needless to say big ship big hemp demand. Although the wrong rope type Beaver was the only respondent, so he wins.
I have a real stumper for you here. On my training exercises I sank, killing all but three of my crew, after that, I was raised and received a new crew. A few months later I sank again killing all of my crew plus my inventor. Five months after being raised a second time I made my first kill, but sank afterwards killing all my crew as well. Who was I, and who did I sink?
I would also say the H.L. Hunley that sank the USS Housatonic. Looking forward to when they put the H.L. Hunley on public display.
And Mr. Cheese gets it. Yeah, I knew that. I just wanted to see how long it took to get answered. (I need to find a REAL stumper question)
These US destroyers were transfered to the Royal Navy who then transferred them to the RCN. What names did they receive in the RCN?
These? Annapolis (ex-USS MacKenzie) Buxton (ex-HMS Buxton) Columbia (ex-USS Haraden) Hamilton (ex-USS Kalk) Niagara (ex-USS Thatcher) St. Clair (ex-USS Williams) St. Croix (ex-USS McCook) St. Francis (ex-USS Bancroft) I was just wondering, Chase, how did you figure out that the photo I posted was of Colbert?