Hmmmmm, interesting answer. The answer I was looking for had something to do with the expected fighting conditions of the North Sea.
Saving money by not having to pay the 1 million gold marks licensing fees for turbines? The ship being able to sortie because the triple expansion steam engines were thought to be more reliable at the time than the new fangled turbine? Being the tortoise and thus winning the race? Oh, you want to know about the turrets. Very well. The advantage was that they could make up some shite to cover up being cheap and worried about fancy new tech and spin it as a positive.
Everything you stated doesn't really have anything to do with the advantage of this layout, more like the trade offs of using triple expansion steam engines. The answer has more to do with the advantage of this turret layout in the expected fighting conditions of the North Sea.
The wing turrets made the ship roll really badly in the north sea, so badly they had to install bilge keels which caused it to slow significantly in turns
The perceived advantage was probably something about having 3 turrets available for end on fire, vs only one or two turrets capable of end on fire in a more normal setup.
My point was that any 'advantage' was more likely than not fabricated after the decision which was made for other reasons. Failing that, I like thee beehive answer.
This is really what I was looking for: To Crown the Waves: The Great Navies of the First World War - Vincent OÕHara, Richard Worth, W. Dickson - Google Books Since John got the closest (love the beehive part ), I'm giving it to him.
Similar to the Beehive, what did the commanders on board the IJN Nagato sometimes display on the aft quarter deck while the crew was doing their laundry on Tuesdays and Fridays? (Remember Jeff was not part of the Japanese Navy at this point)
Japanese usually had fishballs in the soup instead of meatballs, but not the answer I am looking for (remember I said Jeff was not in the Japanese Navy at this point, that was when they started having problems with moist meatballs). So sorry. Try again.
I know it's not my turn, but came across a great stumper of a ship: I carried 15" heavy guns, medium guns, and light guns (aka primary, secondaries, and tertiaries) I also carried 200 mines, 14 torpedo tubes and a large aircraft compliment. Who was I?
Jch, no, she was designed to employ those weapons (a combat ship). Scharn, not a bad guess, but Ise carried 14" guns & never carried mines.
I found some things that were close but not completed or laid down. Some of the numbers differed slightly. I quit though. 2hrs of searching is enough. I usually don't pipe up but I pride myself in my general ship knowledge and I am totally stumped. I figure it is a ship that was modified over the years.
She did, they were added in 1917 as six dual mounts in addition to the two underwater ones already on the ship
Oops! After some research directed at that I found it. Learn something new every day! I knew of the top of my head it had everything but the additional torpedo mounts. Anyone know of a picture where those mounts were located?