i need to find pictures of just the turrets of the DKM Bismarck so i can make a basic designe for the 1/72 scale im building or beter yet i could use actual plans and just conver the measurements to 1/72 scale any ideas?
give me a few weeks to get moved in. I have the turrets already modeled in 1/144 scale, which can be easily changed
i would just like the plans i prefer to build everything my self i have bad luck when i get stuff from other people
I understand, I wasn't offering to build, just offering to dig up the file and rescale for your size.
I highly recommend the Anatomy of the Ship: Battleship Bismarck, which is a great aid to modelling the ship. It has measurements and all kinds of detailed drawings in a specified scale (I think the turrets are drawn in 1:50 or 1:100) which makes scaling easy.
zbondo, get yourself the free copy of alibre design and I can send you a solid model that you can then take measurements off of, rescale, and make your own plans exactly as you need them.