Have to agree with Chase, that looks reallllly low. If the weight is right, how much of the upper hull did you remove?
I didn't include the weight of the hull, didn't think about that, I cut 3/8 off of the top of the hull.
Running it heavy like that will ruin your already bad turning ability. I have one of those hulls too it probably weighs a couple of pounds easy.
The good news is that it's easy to fix. You'll probably just have to cut the windows a little bit further down.
A certain amount of OOPS is expected in a build Luckily, your OOPS is easy to deal with and requires no special finagling.
Back to your earlier question. Next I would fit the subdeck, but not attach it. Mark the location of the turret(s) your guns will be in in the bottom of the hull, and then start the layout of your propshafts and motor mounts and pump. From there you can lay out the rest of your internals.
Thanks NickMyers and Bob H for your insight. I'll start working on the propshafts this weekend. Here is a couple of pics of the windows.
Not good, haven't started. Switched to 3rd shift after wife got a job. Taking care of my son during the day. Hopefully start to work on it during Christmas shutdown. I do have a question about the width of the hull. The plansI have are alittle hard to read.
Got rudder hole drilled out, went to do the propshafts, realized that the props I purchased from BC are 2.5. Going to order 1.5's.