I was going to do boat work after work-work, but the cold front came though, and I ran inside to hide. Boat's looking good!
Thanks tugboat, I has able to epoxy the rudder at work. Too cold yesterday, so I'll have to wait to glass the shafts when it warms up.
Placed rudder inside of hull and saw that the post was alittle off center, leaning toward the bow. so alittle sanding is needed. Hard to see in this picture. When it warms up some I'll get better pic.
You don't really need to make the bottom match perfectly. I use CA glue to keep it in place the push some epoxy puddy or some other glue type thing into the space.
Ok Bob, I've epoxied the rudder stuffing tube into place, but is out too high? Should it come thro the bottom of the hull alittle?
That's what I was thinking, if its too tall I will need to cut it down some. Once it dyes I'll check then install the post.
Looking at the gear boxes again, make sure there is room for the big gear to fit on the shaft. It looks like you sanded into the open space where the gears go. That's too far. Worse case is you use a smalled big gear. Not too bad for a cruiser as you are allowed to go pretty fast.
And if you're waaay too fast with small driven gears, you can always wire the drive motors in series, gives them half the voltage each.
It will spin a bit faster unless they're waaay off, because in series, they run the same current. In parallel, the one with the lower internal resistance draw more current, which reduces torque in the other motor.