reduction in torque would only happen in a current starved situation, like gel cells or lead acid, not LiPoFe.
I wrote a neat entry with the electrical theory on why I disagree but I'm tired of arguing. Not against you, it's been a long day of arguing people and I am done arguing with anyone.
The rudder post put back into place after trying to remove it to cut it down altittle bit. (you can see the marks from a utility knife.)
The after shot of the rudder post after I scaled it down some. Then epoxied and (tried) to fiberglass into place. Haven't touched the rudder sleeve or the rudder shaft yet. Going to wait until all the rest of the internals are done.
I normally cut windows, then drill prop shaft locations, then set in the deck (this sets the beam of the ship as glass hulls will bend in some..), then I decide where my internals are going to be so I can place the water channel and pump. Place in the gun mounts, then wiring, then super last...
Bob H told me long ago (and I agree with him) that the guns dictate everything else, location-wise. The first thing I do is take a sharpie and mark where the turrets are so that I don't accidentally put something like one of my gearboxes or a pump someplace that the guns need to be.
Thanks you guys for info, I'll get the port side prop shaft in and then move onto the sub-deck. I believe that somewhere/someone had mentioned that the guns are 18" from the back of the stern? Also when I first got my Des Moines Bob H send me two files, one was he's Salem that he had won. I believe Chase had it and got all the internals done. Bob put a tape measure on it and thats how I got all the measures for the internals. I started with the rudder and was planning on working my way from stern to bow. Not sure about coming up there, sure would like too but have to see what work is doing.
Brian L started it, cut the hull and put in the sub deck, did 1/2 of the SS work. It's some solenoids away from being done now. Not sure that I'll ever use it.
Got some more work done on the port side prop shaft. Had to trim the slot for the shaft alittle to get it to align better. Then some epoxy/fiberglass, more to come today.
Got some more work done on the USS DesMoines. Now that I see the pictures it looks like I messed up some on the prop shafts. Still need to build a rudder box and get rudder done. Also need to attach the drag discs and shafts. I did alittle sanding on the sub-deck, in the stern, having some trouble reading the print as to get a measurement for the width of the hull from bow to stern.
max beam is shown on the shiplist, or you can look up original ship beam and divide feet by 12 to get inches in our scale. So DM is 76/12 = 6 1/3" max beam