RE: USS Alaska (Treaty/fast-gun) Alasaka looks more like a Heavy Cruiser next to the Montana. They will both make a handsome pair of ships.
Thanks. It is nice to be able to get back to work on all of my projects. The Alaska, and Hawaii are sisters, but they will most likely not be exactly the same. The Alaska, which I started will probably be set up like a fast-gun boat, with multiple stern cannons. The Hawaii, which I picked up from Dave V. will most likely be set up for Treaty, with a single cannon in the aft turret, which may rotate. The forward turrets will be single sidemounts to port, and starboard. At least that is the idea at this point. Mikey
Mikey, Sorry, I did the comment twice. I didn't mean two!!! Alaska and Hawaii, are cute! Mikey, Do you remember the Day you came to see me, we should have gotten a photo with me holding her!!! what are there maxed weights??? Nikki
The Hawaii will be running sea trials on Saturday. If all goes well, then she will be battling. Alaska is currently on hold. Too many other projects in progress. Mikey
The USS Hawaii was turned into the IJN Kita which is a B64. Mark made the conversion, it changed it to a class 5 rudder, increased the speed and upped it to a 5 unit. I own it now and love battling it.
lol oh boy.... I saw that B64, pretty schnazzy little rig, there! I'm having a conversation with Kevin P. in another thread *right now* and asked that class question. Are you talking about her as a 5 unit boat in Treaty? Or possibly just local club rules? IRC still has her listed as a 4.5, and 24 seconds, and whenever I ask, IRC's shiplist keeps getting verified as the rule.
Will, we are a Treaty club... I'm not sure if it would apply to IRC. She is a nice looking ship, like a mini Yamato, Mark really did a nice job on her.
okay that explains things! looks like the case for building her in Treaty rules and doing road trips down to Xenia is getting stronger
what's her speed in Treaty? 25 seconds, right? I saw she had done a run at 35 kts for 6 hours somewhere...
wow that looks good. Isn't there a rule about having two sidemounts facing the same way 1ithin 18 inches of each other? I remember something to that effect when Mark posted pictures of his AK.