USS Alaska

Discussion in 'Southeast Attack Squadron' started by pew-pew-pew, May 3, 2007.

  1. pew-pew-pew

    pew-pew-pew Member

    Mar 18, 2007
    I have been looking around the site lately and found this ship that i found very Neat looking


    And acording to my calculater... 1 inch on the model is twelve feet on the real ship. So... The ship is 67.41 inches long and 7.5 inches long... But i think i did something wrong A battle cruiser cant be that long... right?
  2. lalimerulez

    lalimerulez Member

    Apr 23, 2007

    Well i wouldnt know the answer to you question but i did find somthing wrong. the ship is 67.41 in long and 7.5 inches long. You mean the ship is 7.5 inches wide right?
  3. pew-pew-pew

    pew-pew-pew Member

    Mar 18, 2007
    Oops... Yeah thats what i meant, Seems a little large for a battlecruiser...
  4. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    "battlecruiser" refers to the design purpose of the ship. A battleship is designed to fight enemy battleships. A cruiser is designed to hunt enemy merchant vessels, as well as scout for the battleships. A battlecruiser is designed to hunt enemy cruisers.

    The Alaska was the American design response to Japanese heavy cruisers like the Mogami and Takao. It was bigger, had really big guns, and was well-armored against cruiser-size guns. Unfortunately most of its intended targets were sunk by the time it was completed, but it still meets the design definition of a battle-cruiser.

    By the way, does anybody know the fastest speed the Alaska class was ever recorded going, in trials or in action? Navsource lists it as 33 knots, but that's fleet speed. It most likely could go faster than that, and if it could that'd make it a great ship for Big Gun combat.
  5. pew-pew-pew

    pew-pew-pew Member

    Mar 18, 2007
    Are there any hulls out there for it?
  6. pew-pew-pew

    pew-pew-pew Member

    Mar 18, 2007

    Not a Clue... but by the average speed of a battlecruiser, It should be faster that that..
  7. JasonC

    JasonC Active Member

    Jan 13, 2007
    everything i fount on all the web sites i use said 33 knots with one saying in bracktes (exceeded in service) too bad nothing says that would be a scary ship
  8. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    Someone made one for a school design project. He modeled the whole thing in CAD, made a fiberglass hull, and used a CNC machine to make the superstructure. I don't know if he finished it or battled it. Some photos are available on the Big Gun discussion group on Yahoo. You may need to be a member to view them. If you can't see them, I'll copy a few over.

    Looking at the pictures, it follows more cruiser design conventions than battleship conventions. Instead of two skegs that contain two of the four prop-shafts like the modern battleships have, there is a single skeg along the centerline. This suggests that there was probably a single rudder, like cruisers, though I don't know for sure (battleships had two). I just checked the MWCI shiplist, which confirms that it has a single rudder. The shape of the stern seems to be a mix between a battleship stern and a cruiser stern, though looks more square like a cruiser to me. Wikipedia offers more analysis about how it is closer to a cruiser than a battleship.

    Depending on its speed, it may be a decent ship in big gun combat. It has a decent battleship-sized armament, with medium weight armor, 4 shafts and 1 rudder. If it is 34+ knots it would be faster than most battleships, and it may be able to hunt other heavy cruisers. It won't be able to make very tight turns, but will rely on long, relatively straight runs up to, then past the target before turning around and coming back. With medium weight armor, it shouldn't stand up against other battleships for long, instead focusing on the smaller vessels or pulling hit-and-run attacks on the bigger ships. It would really fill the role of a battlecruiser: bringing heavy firepower to any area of the pond quickly, but lighter armor prevents it from standing up to battleships for long. It all comes down to its maximum speed. It must be faster than the Iowa (33kts) in order to be able to fulfil the role I have described.

    I don't know how well it would work in fast gun, but heres my best guess. It is rated 4.5 units and 24 seconds. This should be compared to the North Carolina (6 units, 24 sec) and Iowa (8 units, 24 sec). With only one rudder, it will not turn very well. It has the same speed as several larger ships. It can carry sidemounts. I would think that a NC would fight just as well, but have a much better armament with its extra 1.5 units. It would cost slightly less to arm the Alaska, but no fiberglass hulls are commonly available (that I know of), so you would have to make one yourself. The biggest advantage it has over NC is that it is almost 10 lbs lighter, though Alaska is actually longer. If you really want a ship that is easier to handle, look for a smaller 3.5 unit cruiser. If you want something with proper battleship power, the NC is a good choice.
  9. pew-pew-pew

    pew-pew-pew Member

    Mar 18, 2007
    NC is a very nice ship. But what you're saying is that an Alaska Is just not a very good ship overall?
  10. the frog

    the frog Member

    Feb 27, 2007
    alaska would come into its own in treaty combat where its speed would make it a super cruiser
  11. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    P^3, it's long and turns very slowly. Big target.
  12. specialist

    specialist Active Member

    Apr 23, 2007
    If you wanted to generate a system for rating ships the results for battleships/battlecruisers might look like this:

    Ship Factor
    Bismarck 150
    Tirpitz 143
    Nagato (B) 140
    North Carolina 121
    Yamato 120
    Vanguard 118
    Iowa 117
    Richelieu(b) 112
    Richelieu 98
    King George V 86
    Littorio 85
    Kongo (B) 77
    Scharnhorst 68
    Scharnhorst (L) 63
    Kongo 63
    Tiger 62
    Derfflinger 55
    Lion 51
    Dunkerque 46
    Hood 44
    Renown (B) 33
    Renown 28
    Alaska 27
    Furious 22
    Courageous 20
    South Dakota 126
    Nelson 123
    Q. E (B) 113
    Q. Elizabeth 99
    Revenge (B) 95
    Fuso (B) 91
    Fuso 91
    Iron Duke 89
    Hyuga (B) 89
    Hyuga 87
    Revenge 83
    Von Der Tann 80
    Nagato 79
    Gangut (B) 76
    Pennsylvania(B) 71
    Invincible 71
    West V. (B) 71
    Tennessee (B) 71
    Colorado (B) 66
    New Mexico (B) 66
    Gangut 66
    Pennsylvania 65
    C. Di Cavour(L) 65
    Andrea Doria(L) 64
    Indefatigable 64
    Tennessee 61
    Colorado 61
    New Mexico 60
    Moltke 56
    Yavuz 56
    Al. Latorre (B) 54
    Seydlitz 53
    Al. Latorre 48
    Agincourt 44
    Baden 154
    Westfalen 150
    Konig 135
    Helgoland 128
    Kaiser 127
    Viribus Unitis 108
    Erin 96
    Bellerophon 85
    Neptune 84
    Hercules 84
    Dreadnought 84
    Orion 83
    Saint Vincent 82
    Rivadavia 81
    Texas(B) 78
    Imp. Maria 76
    King George V 76
    Nevada (B) 75
    C. Di Cavour 70
    Andrea Doria 70
    Texas 70
    Arkansas (B) 70
    South Carolina 69
    Nevada 66
    Espana 65
    Dante Alighieri 62
    Arkansas 61
    Florida (B) 59
    Bretagne 54
    Florida 49
    Delaware 48
    Kawachi 44
    Courbet 43
    Minas Gerias 41
  13. JustinScott

    JustinScott Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2006
  14. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I second the "WHAT?"...
  15. specialist

    specialist Active Member

    Apr 23, 2007
    Given that some ships are beter than others, it should be possible to generate a number to go with that concept. Sort of like a stock index or something of the sort.

    Basicly take all good number put them on top of a fraction, then put all the bad number on bottom.

    "good" numbers would be firepower and some factor for speed.

    "bad" numbers would be manuverabilty (larger # is worse, due to big turning circle)

    The above is result for battleships and battlecruisers. Larger numbers for the "factor" are beter.

    So a Bismark, should be about twice as effective as a Kongo.

    It is not exact in the real world, but provides a quick and easy method to evulate what would be the effects of different set-ups, or changes to rules.

    If you look for Alaska- you will note that it is amonst the lowest of the capital ships.
    Also note the list is sorted by speed. (24, 26 and 28)
  16. pew-pew-pew

    pew-pew-pew Member

    Mar 18, 2007
    Woot Go North Carolina!
  17. pew-pew-pew

    pew-pew-pew Member

    Mar 18, 2007
    Wait... NC Out ranks Yamato? Honestly That Doesn't sound right...
  18. pew-pew-pew

    pew-pew-pew Member

    Mar 18, 2007
  19. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    Could you show us and example of how you got those numbers?
  20. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA

    If you figure that it's a list based on fast gun characteristics, it actually does make sense. Despite the 2 extra guns, I haven't seen a Yammer defeat a North Carolina in single combat. Seen an NC beat a Yammer several times.

    I love the Yamato (have considered building one multiple times), but them's the facts. Not saying I agree with everything on the list, but I think overall, it's a reasonable approximation of fast gun combat capability.