USS Astoria?

Discussion in 'Ship Comparison' started by David, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    I'd imagine that most people have issue getting them to work well.

    You don't really get two side mounts for the price of best, you have 75 BBs (assuming a 1.5 unit rotate) to cover both sides, instead of 50 per side. If you have the extra .5 units to put into a rotate gun, it would also give you a 75 on one side and a 50 on the other. So, yeah, you can cover both sides with one gun, but you can only do it for half as long and you are giving up a lot of potential below the waterline gain...what?

    The one I had in my Courageous worked fine, but the ship itself was so terribly suited to fast gun combat I could never get my two stern guns on target, which effective left me with a 1 unit ship to cover both sides. I'd have been a little bit better off with single fixed guns, one on each side.
  2. David

    David Member

    Feb 24, 2009
    How do you get a gun on each side while retaining a stern gun, if the ship only has two after turrets? Can you mount a gun in a casemate or secondary battery? I seems like a good tactic to have both sides covered so the enemy can't sneak past to the unprotected side of your stern (assuming he's chasing you.)
  3. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    I use a bow turret. Very few ships only have 2 turrets. If someone tries to get to my unprotected side, I turn and hit em with the stern gun until they realize it's a bad idea.