Deck is sealed, not an issue. Plus, this boat better be moving at all times, and when it is moving there is only 1/4-1/2 freeboard at the center so you really need a solid deck.
Cool. Thank you for the info! Would you also use that product to coat other electrical connections, say the leads of the drive/pump motors? Thank you, John
@jstod - even the smallest fast gun pumps have a pretty high discharge velocity. The water will NOT pool back inside That high velocity is also why we really want the pump discharge near the centerline vice out on the edge, at least in cruisers and destroyers. If you're pumping dead astern, it's not such an issue. @JP - there is a paint-on electrical tape that is better suited to painting motor leads, as it's easier to keep the product from getting into moving parts. I bought my can at Lowe's in the section with the electrical tools in the middle of the wiring section (not in the main tool section).
How can a BB get in there? does fastgun not use blast sheilding? Forgive me, I am simply curious about how the other formats do things never know when you might find something useful.
Thanks! I'll keep an eye out the next time I'm at Lowe's, though I probably won't get to wiring for some time. Thank you, John
Jstod- BBs get everywhere, blast shielding generally just protects the internals from bb impacts it doesn't really stop them from going all over the place. They roll and get jostled around and end up in strange places, covering exposed battery terminals is good practice to prevent random bad stuff from happening. A lot of people have magnets mounted in the bottoms of their hulls to collect bbs and try to limit their movement but that isnt foolproof. Covering the ends is just another layer of protection, some people cover the vents on their motors as well to prevent bbs getting into a motor and destroying it. Also internal armor/blast shields aren't perfect stuff gets through/by them.
Had to move the ESC as there was interference with the radio. Insides are looking a little rough at this point... Switched a motor, and added a stronger zip tie. WTC (water tight cylinder) is done, two HK switches and a castle creations BEC.
Lou, can you take pics of the inside? -for the boat pages we're adding to the Region 3 webpage, essentially like Bob's walkthroughs on the PPB page... When you get time, I know Nats is approaching.
Back to the bench on this one. So close, yet such a miserable failure due to weight. Some new information has come forward that could resolve the issues, so the QE will stay on the back burner until 2015 (will continue with building the masters), this ship deserves to battle.