This fine ship is #2 on my list, and will be armed for combat. Unfortunately I'm not even making progress on project #1 right now due to 20,000 tons of real life getting in my way.
Given her current status, I strongly suspect they are trading out her torpedoes and that old uranium burner back aft for a Wave Motion Engine and Wave Motion Gun. Iscandar, here I come!
Hi rcengr I live at 02919. Quick question about the model. As a reltivly new ship builder do you think I would be able to make the vessel? if I was to by a kit?
I would not recommend this as a first kit, especially if you plan to arm it. I you just wanted to sail it around the set up would be easier, but you would still need some experience with building a rigging a sailboat.
Ok I'll wait a bit on it then till my hands are a little more dirty before buy a kit. that way it wont sit around the house.