ive been looking for some pictures of the ship, battlers cannection does not have any. anyone have any pictures[?][?][?]
The real ship or a model? Real ship: Visit this site Model: Visit this site Visit this site Visit this site
Try the US National Archives for more gory detail than you'll ever need to build a model. If you're just planning to build a combat model, though, what you'll get from the usual sources (Goff, Floating Drydock, Taubman, etc.) should be more than enough. JM
If you have specific requests for detail shots of the NC, I went there on vacation last summer and took 240 pics of lots of things aboard I don't intend to email 240 pics, though, so I'll respond to specific requests For everyone waiting on OS2 Kingfishers, I got bugged in person by several guys at the fast guns battle this past weekend It's coming!!
Floating Drydock has the best plans for her. (I've got copies of all of them and neith Taubman nor Goff can compare with Floating Drydock on US Battleships)
tug, for the pictures of the NC, i need some close up pictures of her stern, deck, insides, and just litle details
Then use those. If you want help on the forums, giving the rest of us the doesn't help you. Maybe a would. Or a 8) or 8D or even a =^) But not a
How about a ./\....................../.\ /.*\.................../../ \....\................/...| ..\....\............/..../ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ *glub*glub*glub*
The Battleship Washington site has sufficient plans for you to build a North Carolina class battleship: http://www.usswashington.com/diag.htm Mark