The 5 inch secondaries have bottoms now to cover the hollows. This way I have a platform for the circular revolving discs to attach to and run a post through the centers to secure the turrets and make them moveable.
I started working on the main control tower levels and started to make the new funnels. Work is slowing down as I am in the middle of some home renovation, a bachelor party to plan, and a lot of family personal stuff going on then by Oct 3 I will be off for a couple of weeks. First to Ottawa for a few days , then to Orlando for days then to the Cruise ship in the Bahamas for another 5 days. I will be going to a Hobby store in Orlando to get some goodies like Esc's,Sigment glue, and other goodies.
About Scotchkote--there is a new version called Scotchkote FD that is VOC (volatile organic compound) free. It should be available in locations original Scotchkote was not. I have not heard any long-term reports on effective differences yet.
It is available in Canada (the real Skotchkote). The 3M site should have a local distributer in your general area. If not i can post the link for the one i ordered from in Newmarket, ON. It looks like they have a branch in St. Johns.
I konw where that bulding is. That's great! Yaayy. Now I can finally scotchcoat the electronics. Thanks for the link absolutek.
Had a great vacation but I was not able to get to a hobby store in Orlando so no stuff was brought back for the ship. Next Sat I start to build the workbench and install the shelves. Outlets and lighiting are hooked up and functional. The work bench will be 16ft long. 26 inches wide. Once I get that built and shelves installed I can get my stuff setup on that. NC will be finished in the new yard and Montana will be Christened in the new yard once I receive the hull. Course I have to put the order in first and that will begin after I get the shipyard completed and ready.
I will be in the new shipyard this Saturday getting the remainder of my equipment in place and renew work on the NC . Plenty of room on the bench for Montana...heh ..heh.
I will be in the new shipyard this Saturday getting the remainder of my equipment in place and renew work on the NC . Plenty of room on the bench for Montana...heh ..heh.
Hey Stoky, did you have any bowing in the hull where the bottom of the hull bent upwards giving her more beam? The old hull I have here in the garage has that bow and I am not sure if I should leave it, bend in the sides to match the beam, or to cut out the bottom and replace the entire bottom... Any Ideas?
The shipyard is ready and I have a good idea where all the stuff is now after going through it all today. I didn't get anything done with NC itself but now I can go ahead and work on it.
Rudders are hooked up and work very well. Need to insert the servohorn hold down screw.Rudder servo is secured to the servo mount. Put on the thrust bearins in the drive assembly. Trimmed down the ends of the stuffing tubes exiting the skegs to line up and allow clearance in front of the rudders. 2 funnels are redone and need more shaping and trimming but they are turning out much better than the first pair I made. Next is to make a battery harness and wire up the drive motors, the pump and get the receivor installed in the hull. Basically the electrical portion. Once I get that done I can go back to finishing off the superstructure.
I find that the battle is more exciting if you leave the servo's horn screw out. You get the thrill of wondering when your rudders will quit playing... will it be THIS turn, or the next!? How fun!
Ha! Exactly what this game needs! We should have a deck of cards, on each card there coudl be a Benefit or a Sabotage. Before each sortie everyone draws a random card and follows the instructions. Could have things like 'Loosen a set screw', 'remove rudder servo horn screw', 're-use batteries from previous battle', etc. Why do I get the feeling no one will play this variation?
oooo , I like this idea... To add to it... we could all pair off, one allied captain paired with an axis captain... then we all draw a card out of the hat... then the captains look at the card they drew, and then secretly complete the stated task to their partner's ship... LOL, we could go further by letting the winning side from the previous NATS draw two cards.... LOL