What? No shots of all the stern damage that southy inflicted on the Nagato. You may want to check on how your pics are appearing in photobucket as you have to slide across the page to see the full picture.
Yeah I have been having issues trying to keep the correct setting. I hate the way they do things now on it. Speaking of stern damage the holes are still there if you look inside the hull but the exterior hides them pretty well. I think he wants a rematch .. you know... seeing how the last battle against your SC was well now what he expected.
Well the yard was busy again today. This time another member from A.R.C.C. came by to work on the superstructure of Iowa. He made good progress there making the funnel caps and aft structure. I worked on the tower of NC today and made mods to it. Stryker's wraparound walkway is on the tower and I have the search light platform with railing attached. The top level platform is nearly completed after the mods were made. I worked on the forward supestructure today and I made base of the funnel caps for both funnels. The caps themselves will be next and I started one already. I sanded down the underside of the repair and mod of the barbette locations today and cleaned it up. Been a busy 2 days in the yard but NC is starting to take shape topside.
Heh. Another person in the hobby who shall remain nameless has me printing his Iowa's SS If your friend hasn't got his quad Bofors yet, those are in design right now. Going to print them in sheets of 20, selling at like a buck apiece minus music wire for the barrels. Not as good detail-wise as white metal, but plenty good for stand-off scale, and cheaper to replace. I'll send a pic tonight.
Great we were discussing those Bofors.Let me know when they are ready. I would like to see them and possible get a few sheets for NC, Missouri and Iowa.
Another great day in the shipyard. Finished sanding the top part of the control tower beneath the radar. I made a pair of funnel caps and have them attached to the funnels. They just need to be sanded. . Iowa had it's funnel caps completed and work on it's bridge detail has begun. Nagato has it'srotating C turret cannon system mount installed and it seems to work smoothly. The shafts and props were installed and we tested each motor and prop shaft. The interior of the hull was cleaned up. So things are progressing. More work on the superstructure next time in the yard.
More work to the main forward control tower. Radar attached on top, sanded the entire structure again. Started attaching and building the mast and platforms for the SK- 2 Radar dish. Sanded the sides of the armored conning tower. Trimmed the funnels to correct height. Lowered the funnel cap height.Things are coming along nicely. Tom got his cannons reinstalled in his Nagato and we had them each test fired. That model's refit is coming along smoothly too. Iowa 's superstructure has been assemlbling nicely and is nearly on par with my Missouri's. The secondaries were being worked on.
Brrrrr.....the shed was quite cold Saturday with winds howling outside and wind chill of over minus 20+ C outside. I had 2 hearters going and could still see my breath. Tools were quite cold to the touch. With extra layers of clothing except for the hands made further progress to NC control tower. Built a Sk-2 Radar and uppler mast platform including yardarm and mast. Built the radar oblong thing that sits atop the main tower rangefinder. The Sk-2 swivels in it's mount. Nagato had it's Servo firing mounts and manifold installed inside the hull. The model 's internal refit is nearly complete as wiring and hose hookups will follow. Armor needs to be installed and the receive will be installed and mounted. Pump hoses need to be installed. The superstructure has been removed for individual attention to refit to the structure will commence after the Holidays. I took some pics of the tower I am working on for NC. I added funnel secondary caps on top of the caps and made the platform for the rangefinder that sits alondside the funnel. Rememeber it was subzero in the shed and my fingers were cold. Nearly done with the control tower and then I rail the various levels around the forward superstructure. Wll post the pics later this evening .
At least we know what to get you for Christmas...electric gloves!! Sounds like you had a good build day.