Looks gorgeous Stokes... My newly refited Baden is gonna be so jealous, I may have to put in elevating guns so she can shoot up that SS!
Well the holidays and the extreme weather temperatures and snow have been keeping me away from the shed. Now I have my wife's cold and flu and have to battle that before I can get into the shed again. Arrggghh!!
Yes she sure does. Major sinus infection. I had her put Vicks vapor rub on my feet than I wore my socks over them. Boy it works. I slept really well. Course I took buckley's and a Nasal stick and used Vapor rub on my chest. That helped me get some sleep last night.
Well a Blizzard for tomorrow into Saturday. Currently temp outside of the shed with windchill -30 c. Yeah I won't be in the shed for a little while.
Well what a week. There was a province wide black out for days, it was freezing here. Then it warmed up one day ,freezing rain then rain then the rain froze again. Anyway to make the long story short, it sucked the past week. Finally I was able to get to the shed now that power is continous and the rolling power blackouts have stopped. I worked on the main Command tower , installing doors, caprails , rails made from chicken wire and styrene for various levels at the forward superstructure. More work to be done tomorrow but it's finally moving forward.
Work progress still being made on the superstructure. Today I worked on the upper mast works and the rails and rangefinders of the midships section. Worked on the rails of the aft section as well. It's slow going but it is building up nicely.
More progress today. Tomorrow I will take pictures and post them. I used up all the available space in my Photobucket so I have to see if I can remove some of the folders there to free up space before I can post them.
More progress again today. This time however I felt the 2 funnels were fat so they both went on a diet and slimmed down to correct dimensions and they are lighter. I saved the funnel caps by cutting them off then took the pair of funnels and used the belt sander to slim them down. After I remeasured them and made minor adjustments. I then reattached the funnel caps and trimmed them down too. The aft gun director mid level platform was made and attached. Most of the rails in and around the superstructure are in place. 2 mini AA gun director tubs were attached to either side of the lower platform at the base of the command tower. I managed to space the funnels nearly exact between each other so I am happy about that. I didn't get a chance for photos. Next step I will wrap thin styrene sheet around the funnels themselves. Then I will detail the funnels. From there move back to the armored conning tower itself and detail that. Anybody know where I can get those skinny ladders so I can attach to the superstructure against the vertical walls?
Worked on the funnels today and part of the aft superstructure. Father in law decided he needed to move things around in the shed so that interrupted my build time. I took pics but my problem now is all of space is used up in Photo bucket. I am going to try to post them here from the computer.