Been a while since I update the build. Portholes and other smalll details are being added. Not quite finished there. The stern Guntub sponsons are attached and need a little more work. The secondaries are aboard and installed and they rotate nicely. I attached small brass pegs to the bottoms of the smokestacks to hold them in place for the float test. I installed drag props without the drag discs, installed the batteries and a 7 oz bottle. No cannons or pneumatics and no regulator and firing servos was the equipment not in the hull for the float test . This ship was decided to be a runner mid way through construction however with the option to install cannons and the remainder of the firing equipment in future. Be that as it may I will continue to report on the build and post. Speaking of postings due to my limited time to sit down at my computer I been posting the recent pics through various FB sites. I find it very easy to use my phone to snap a pic and post the pic in real time whethe in the shed or outside at the pond. So if you don't see pics here it's mostly on my facebook page. I will update and post the pics to this page soon. Float test. Yes it was a perfect day to finally get the NC to the water. The model sat just about perfect on the water line. Stability was very good even with the large radar dish on the super. No leaks inside the hull. It was very dry. So with more equipment to go inside and final detailing we are getting closer to getting the NC finished and on the water. I was trying to test the new props on Roma but the starboard shift seems to be more resistant. I will have to remove the drive shafts and clean out the stuffing tubes and regrease them. I may switch out the drive motors and get a higher rpm pair. Missouri was next. However an incident occurred where I was trying to film with my smartphone and I had it near the top of the TX. I nearly fumbled with it and dropped the TX. In the middle of laying both TX and phone down a group of school children about 30 of them and their teacher surrounded me and I was under question bombardment about the boats. I looked to my right and saw the Missouri was still sailing . I grabbed the TX and saw that the TX switch was in the off position. I turned it back on but could not regain control of MO. It was doing a large lazy circle. I tried to anticipate landfall. It was heading to the far right side of the shore and I ran flat out to intercept it. I removed mysmartphone and wallet before dashing into the water up to my waist. MO was turning abeam to me making a starboard turn. However it was 10 ft out of my reach and sailed past me. I got back to shore and ran back to get Roma out to intercept it. However realizing there was no Time I grabbed the TX. Still no go. Helpless I tried to figure out what was going on. Then I realized that the TX I was holding was the Futaba FM which belongs to Roma. I realized the other TX was the 2.4 G radion belonging to MO. I hurriedly grabbed it from the ground checked to see if it was still on. Yep no problem I had control of the MO. I sailed it back and proceeded to empty my waterlogged boots and wring out my socks. Continued sailing for a couple more hours and explained the ships and the hobby to the mulitude of people that came by to see what was going on. What a day.
Well back in the shed to try and finish up the upperworks of NC. Working on the armoured conning tower. Finished adding the remaining portholes in the super. The 40mm tub semi domes the port one has a little putty to be sanded from it. Once I get that done I will be adding the remaining AA single mounts to the deck and working on the breakwater and forcastle detail. The new job I started at the beginning of July and up to now has been keeping me from having any free time to work on the models plus with the nephews staying with us all summer and everything else it is keeping me away from the shed to work on the NC and finish it up.
Some pics of NC that I posted to Facebook a while back . This will bring you up to speed. I posted some pics of the progress today and will be posting them here shortly. NC after completing the float and ballast test. Testing the rotation of main and secondary guns.
The superstructure alone without the rest of the ship. Still unfinished. The stern check. Yup. Perfect here. Aft view. Looks good this way too.
Today worked on sanding and filling in seams in areas around the supestructure. The armored conning tower was sanded. More work to be done to it. Port holes and life rafts and ammo or lifejacket lockers added around the superstructure at least I think that's what they are. Nearly done with it. Need to add search and signal lamps and doors to the superstructure.
Added detail to the aft quarter deck section. More to add here but it's a start. Added detail to the Foc'scle section of the bow. Mainly the breakwater and the anchor chain cover plates. Forward 20MM AA guns attached. The aft quarter deck the 20MM guns were added today.
Next to Bismarck and Roma I think the NC detail is pretty much on par at this point. She just needs some small items. Anchors and chains along with the flags and rigging willbe added. Of course she has to have catapults and planes and finally the crew. Then there is the painting and camaflauging of the superstructure and deck to blend with the hull.
Slowly getting there to completion cosmetically. After that the final wiring for Operation on the water will be conducted.
;Making the remaining 12 single 20 mm guns. Some are on board now. I made from scratch the searchlights and they are aboard the model. I have the doors and a pair of catapults to builds , the stern crane the flag poles for the bow and stern and the anchors. The planes I am not sure yet what I will do there.