Well the drive motors are installed with their wiring and capacitors attached. Pump switch and pump wired together. Still need to make a battery harness and a mount for the pump switch. Then I need to locate a spot for the radio switch somewhere on the deck. Tested the motor operation and pump and all is well so far. Should be enough for sea trials then afterword I can clean it up and make it more permament.
After a full day of BRAIN FART I finally installed the motors and wired them up to the Mag switches. Upon testing table type wise there were some small adjustments to make to the gears and the starboard prop. After word I tested again. I think based on my last experience with a NC the motors are too strong even geared down using the Mag Throttle system. So what I will do is install the Viper Marine ESC 40 amp. Just have to find my diagram to show me how to install the ESC. Why don't they include these with the product. Any way once that is hooked up and installed then I can install the pump again and I have to make a pump switch mount for the servo to activate. Then install pump activation servo. Some minor touch ups and a couple of deck latches to secure the hatch for sea trials and hopefully on my next day off late next week I can get the NC out for a sea trial. Missouri will be along on standby just in case it needs to retrieve NC. I want a strong American Presence at the pond for the sea trials. The Axis have been in control far too long.
ESC wiring is very straightforward... blue & yellow wires to motor, black & white to battery (neg & pos respectively) / power, ribbon cable to receiver.
Viper is rated for either 6 or 12V circuits. What kind of motors are you running? Standard "550" cans you can run both at 6V with no problem w/ a 40a ESC. "Stinger" or other high-power motors may be a problem at 6V though. Keep in mind that power=current x voltage. So for the same power requirement, you can run 12V at half the current of 6V systems.
Well had an interesting time trying to wire up my Mtroniks Viper Marine 40 amp ESC. I was able to get everything connected outside of the hull of the model. Stlll had the props going in one direction but got that corrected. Odd though on the TX I was trying to get the left stick to be my Throttle control but I can only get Throttle control on the right stick from left to right as opposed to up and down and same with the left stick no up and down but side to side. Not sure why it only works that way. I hooked the ESC to a singe 6v 12 amp power supply and ran the various speeds through that. I could only do it for a few minutes as the TX power dropped quickly. Looks like I need to charge up the Transmitter. Other than that I was happy with the ESC. Very smooth and reverse was instant. Now I need to get it all back inside the hull and secure all of the wiring and get the ESC situated. Not sure where to place the little fella. I could put it forward underneath the forward turrets or place it in front of the drive system. The instructions say that the ESC should be as far away from the receivor as possible.
The large single deck hatch removed from the hull for access. I remember when I first had Bismarck the hatch was set up the same way. This was before I discovered smaller hatches Lol. For this model's purpose this works really well.
I was originally using this old wiring diagram for 2 motors. Look familiar. I did not realize that the motors would be wired in series which is not what I want. Anyway I finally figured it out. Boy I am rusty at this. Been a while.
The Mag throttle system. This worked just fine. I removed it after deciding that an ESC would work better.
Ever look at your motors and trying to see if they are spinning clock wise or counter clockwise. It was driving me nuts so I attached these servo horns and viola! I could see them turning much better.