Arrived safely and both models set up and ready. Mo is on standby in case I lose control of NC. Nice to have Big Brother around to lend a hand when needed.
Looking down from the height of the Radar dish. Looking back aft from same perch next to the Radar dish.
Overhead view of NC showing main and secondary armament in broadsides firing position. bows on view of NC with main and secondary armament in firing position.
That is it for now. Hope to get out again Monday for a longer run and maybe get better video with a camcorder on tripod and of course the GO PRO on board.
Back again after a very successful 2nd trial run. More ballast was added to the bow and even with the additional ballast I threw in the regulator and still was not enough but close enough. A little high in the bow is good for getting water to the pump and the ESC sitting in the aft compartment. I ran the model much longer and tried all kinds of turns, stops, all the different speeds ect and had no issues. For those that thought the superstructure might be top heavy with all the detail and the ..ahem..radar dish might cause it to wobble like a weeble..sorry to dissapoint you. The model was very stable with the maneuvering and tight turns and handled like a dream. I brought Missouri along as a make shift tug rescure boat but it was not needed. Poor thing was benched for the entire morning. So after using up the first set of SLAs I used Missouris and kept on going. Finally the Old FM Futaba hit nearly 0 percent so it was time to call it a day. I posted some of the crude vid to my page on FB. Other than sealing the extension plugs into the receivor and some very minor tweaking with the details this brings this project to a close. Final pics of the North Carolina are being posted very shortly. I hope you all enjoyed the build thread and I certaintly learned a lot from this model and enjoyed operating it. It truly is a fantastic model for combat or just running and is a great kit for novice or expert. Thanks to everyone that answered my questions and provided help. Thanks to Captn Nash aka Jack Sparrow for letting me build his ship. Sad to see it ended up not being combat but maybe in this case it was a good thing. It still has combat components and can be switched by installing the co2 systems and cannons to make it combat. I would recommend building a second supestructure for putting into harms way. Cheers to Strike for such a fine kit. Enjoy the final pics of USS NORTH CAROLINA.. The Show Boat!