Thanks but I think you have the wrong thread or you didn't read far enough ahead. I have a viper marine 40 by the way.
Yes I'm still alive. After the last battle at rob's house, I went up and spent 3 hours troubleshooting, eating pizza, and waiting for 10pm on rob's clock. The boards were fixed and a new reciever was ordered. Yes rob, I did find the barbettes. So just epoxy them in place first or make the wood mounting inside it first? thanks
I epoxied mine to the deck first and then made the 1/2 circle insert. Then I epoxied everything when I was done
I cut out the holes on mine first but you can leave half the deck and epoxy the 1/2 insert right to it if you want. Either way will work.
I have come to a spectacular conclusion! I am an idiot. The reason the reciever didnt work was because the wires were upside down. I connected the wires (correctly)tonight and verything worked. With new receiver in hand. I have 10ish days to decide if I need another receiver for someething.
Glad to hear you are an idiot. Cut the holes. Make life easy. Good news to hear about your receiver. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm back! again. I was unbending the deck cutouts ans snapped one in half. The other 2 are perfectly flat enough. I'm gonna me attaching barbettes to the rear cutout tonight and am finishing the gun electronics once I get some pics explaining solenoid to delta board pics. Solenoid to board views to be exact.
I've got pics of my delta board setup. I'm in a quandry on how they attach to the solenoids themselves.
Thick black wire where three come together This gets hooked to negative of battery (6v) Thick red wire with three diodes attached hook this to positive of battery (6v) and all solenoid red leads Black from each solenoid goes to the silver leads hanging out the bottom. This is the delta board trigger lead, for the triples hook three blacks to one.
TD and all other board makers recommend strongly that you place the diode as close to the coil (solenoid) as possible. I put mine on the deans plug that is 4 inches from the solenoid.
6 voltbooster goes negative to plus side of battery, negative to red wire with three diodes. (making it a 12 volt battery or use one) I was unaware of the closeness rule but it makes sense. I have operated mine like this for years but it still makes sense. In order to get it any closer to the solenoids, you must cut the wires at the solenoids and solder diode across the negative and positive.