I figure once the outside work is done i'll blow through the stuff from the motors back since i have those fin things that the shafts stick out of. What are they called? I keep thinking of sprues and sponsons but I know those arent right.
Skegs may be what you are looking for. And hes retired, so he has alot of free time on his hands too work all day on his boat.
Aaaaah. So thats his secret. Thanks djranier. I'm going to write skegs on the skegs so i dont forget what they are.
good luck with the cutting tonight. Just think of it this way you can just look at Ron's build thread and follow pretty much the same advice there and see how things go together so you have a good idea how to plan. That and we can still help with any questions or advice on things that are different.
The windows are finally roughed out. (still need to cut them down to 1/4" and one 3/8". But so that i dont go window crazy i've begun building the gearboxes and im going to drill the stuffing tube holes in the skegs. I've also figured out the size I need to cut the subdeck to so that the ship is the correct width.
What should I use to drill through the solid fiberglass skegs to make the holes for the stuffing tubes?
I used a regular drill bit. but I had to use a Dremel to get the inside of the skeg thined down so the shafts would be straight.
I easily drilled straight holes trough the skegs and now I just need to enlarge the holes so that the stuffing tubes will fit. If I can bring the drill home tonight ill finish off making the windows the correct width as well. I also found what I'm going to make my superstructure out of. It is SMOOTH ON max 30 silicone rubber mold which im using for a different project. It seems durable enough. Even if you make a hole in it with a bb, the rubber will fill the hole back in and you wont see any damage if there is any.
Silicone mold material can get heavy fast. I have some smooth on rebound 25 here at home I am going to use for projects, but I do not think it is the right material to use for a superstructure. Good luck with it as I could be wrong.
I look forward then to seeing your outcome with it. My Des Moines Superstructure will be getting a redesign. I was very unhappy with it. Mainly due to the lack of proper tools to make it from.
Well, even if I do have to replace a "panel" in the superstructure, I just need to repour that part onto the existing material since you need to cut 2 seperatly poured pieces apart.
Even though I am a die hard axis type, I would advise against using the mold making material for superstructure (even if you are allied). It won't accept paint and it's not UV resistant. Instead, use it to make panels (mold). Make the superstructure level(s), use plastic card on the outside and detail it as much as you want. Then use another smooth on product to make the actual casts. This is how the "termite" amour was done by battlersConnection. Just an opinion. []