RE: V-106 Build What do you mean? Do you want to know how much room I have left? Because I have some room left. Beaver
RE: V-106 Build I think what Clark was getting at was that planking the hull might make it a bit too big.
RE: V-106 Build I had thought about that too when I cut the ribs out, and I purposely sanded them down some. Beaver
RE: V-106 Build V-106 has been partially planked. Here are the pics. The bow. Nice view. Stern. Mid-section. Enjoy Beaver
RE: V-106 Build Pretty! It'll still need a coat of epoxy to fill in imperfections in the wood, then sanded smooth. Repeat x 2 or 3. But it looks very much the right shape
RE: V-106 Build Yeah, there are some pretty big gaps between some of the seams. Nothing some epoxy won't fix. Beaver
RE: V-106 Build Got most of the forward section of V-106 planked. Now all that needs done is the stern. Here are the photos. So, soon I can put epoxy over the hole thing and then we'll find out how good of a hull I can make. Beaver
RE: V-106 Build You're doing well! And every one you make after the first one is generally a little better as you learn tricks and work out how to do things. Looking forward to seeing the progress!
RE: V-106 Build Thanks, it's raining here a lot so I might go work on her some and get the stern done. I can't wait to see how the hull turns out. Also, how many layers of that auto body fiberglass do you think I should need? I was thinking somewhere around two. Beaver
RE: V-106 Build MMmmmm... I'd go 2, then pop the hull off the plug, clean it up, and add two more layers inside the hull for strength.
RE: V-106 Build Ok, I might have to pick up some more fiberglass if I plan on making a lot of these. Good news, V-106 has been fully planked, and is ready for epoxy. Pictures are on the way. Beaver
RE: V-106 Build Here are the pictures I promised. Sorry poor about the image quality. The camera wasn't liking the lighting conditions. Tomorrow I shall be epoxying. Beaver
RE: V-106 Build Well, I didn't get to epoxy the hull today. I'm going to try and get her epoxied tomorrow. Beaver
RE: V-106 Build The first coat of epoxy is on and curing. I'm thinking one more coat should be enough. Somewhere she developed a warp at the stern. so she's got about 2lbs of epoxy resin setting on top of her to get that straitened out. So, in about two more days, I should be able to make my first fiberglass hull. Beaver
RE: V-106 Build I got the second coat of epoxy on today. So, tomorrow I sand. The day after that I mold. I'll post some pics here soon. Beaver
RE: V-106 Build The second coat of epoxy is sanded and I have the aluminum foil on her. I have one question on the hull making. After I have the first layer of fiberglass and epoxy on, should I wait for that to cure, or just put the next layer of FG on and epoxy it? If I get time I'll probably make a hull today. Beaver
RE: V-106 Build Why, you want one? Well, I was planning on building one, but seem I might be building an I-boat instead. Btw, I just put the first two layer of glass and epoxy on the plug. Tomorrow I'll pull it off and post pics of the hull. Beaver
RE: V-106 Build Photos of the hull are here!!! I'm very happy overall with the hull. The plug is a little rougher off than the hull. Some of the balsa came off while I was trying to get the hull off of the plug. So, now that you have pictures of the hull, what do you think the price range would be? Beaver