ircwcc shiplist has no Liberty or Victory ships. Was a victory named for Emory University... was planning to build a liberty... now that my daughter will be going to Emory, I want to change that to a victory. Are Victory ships legal? Some were armed. What’s the scoop on them missing from ship list?
For IRCWCC, They are typically built and run as convoy ships for Campaign rather than armed warship since that role fits the main use for the full size ships. I suppose if you wanted to run one armed, it would land in class 1 under the 'All other ship types' clause in H.2 1 unit Destroyers < 2,499 tons. Submarines < 2,499 tons. Gunboats, CVEs and all other ship types not listed above. Not the best choice for a warship given the slow speed, lack of units, and large target area. Might be amusing as a Q Ship during campaign though.
Thanks. I build stuff for scale building mainly. Just didn’t see the cargo ships on the list. I know others offer Liberty ships, but have not seen the Victory ships available.
Someone built a "Liberty Ship" mold, so they are available. There are also free "Liberty Ship" plans in the resource sections to scratch build. You could reach out to see if there is demand for a Victory ship...... We have several convoy ships in our local club, but is just isn't as much fun, so no one even brings them any more.
Good to know. The victory ships were faster than the liberty’s at 17 knots. Do the rules account for that or are all convoy ships given same speed rating? I like building things for scale guys who will buy and build many more ships than the combat gang, so I’m not worried about getting back what I put into a mold as long as I get the details on it.
Hi Tim, speed rules went away from "scale" relativity to make a more "playable" game. more later. gotta run. cases and all!
The idea is to create a good game that includes a variety of ships; each with strengths and weaknesses. The early rule makers followed what is now called game theory and came up with the idea of speed by length within classes and it has allowed ships from WW1 and WW2 to compete. if we went by historic scale speeds, no WW1 ship would ever have a chance. History basically gives us hull shape, turret position and superstructure shapes - semi scale.