W.W.C.C. Hello Fellow Skippers

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by Joseph, Sep 20, 2021.

  1. Joseph

    Joseph New Member

    Sep 3, 2015
    My name is Joe Moore and I've been playing with boats from the 1980's I'm the President of W.W.C.C. We are so blessed because we finally got our new pond in the Watsonville Area. We are presently working on improvements but it's a work in progress. Since we own it we are all excited and are planning on making it perfect for boat combat. All ready we installed two piers, one Allied and one Axis. The weather in Watsonville is always cool and perfect. This last event on September 18th we had about 12 ships on the water. In the afternoon we took a combat break and BBQ some hot dogs and discussed all the damage, the Sub put a nickle size hole in the red of one of our transports. If your interested in having some fun and playing come out and check us out and we will try to set you up with a transport. At Western the most important thing is to have fun. Our next event is on November 6, 2021. Hope to see Ya there !

    Joe Moore

  2. BigGunJeff

    BigGunJeff Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2014
    Great to have you on the forum Joe!

    Looking forward to our November event!
    Nibbles1 likes this.
  3. Joseph

    Joseph New Member

    Sep 3, 2015
    Hope You are all doing well !
    Lots of things to fix on the Alsace. Lots of holes. And then I think I got all the guns to shoot better. Had a few barrels that didn’t let the BB’s pass so I had to sand the inside of the curved part of the barrels. Now they roll threw just fine . And the last thing was to improve steering. To do that I took off the two outside props and put two large ones behind the rudder. Hopefully I can turn much better and still go 31 knots. these ships are really sentimental. Hey Jeff, when John fixes his ships he takes notes on his battle damage. He told me he thinks you front guns shoot great but your rear guns don't penetrate, and I think he's right! He Gun He thanks for being our Frog Man and getting our ships. Now I'm wondering how deep the pond truly is ? If we are lucky 4 feet in most places. don't forget November 6th is our next Combat. boats2021gunhe.jpg
    BigGunJeff, Nibbles1 and Z Boat like this.