One of the things I love about this club are the relaxed rules. We dont charge any fees for participating anybody can come to a battle. Its great. However, I would like to request that at the next battle we do a hull strength test. With everybody putting new hulls on it shouldnt be a problem. I would like to see that happen though. I will buy the supplies need for it.
that is a good idea, I don't expect problems with the freshly sheeted hulls, but some of the older ones could be troublesome. I need to check with the big gun folks and see how they are doing with their various speed guns.
I agree with Greg, we should do this every so often. I don't think anyone is trying to cheat here, but in the name of fairness it is important that everyone's hull can be penetrated by BB's. If your boat fails the test, no big deal just go fix it!
Here's the problem I have with this: We don't have a ton of people and no one is going to resheet pondside (and I haven't seen anyone bring sheets of balsa to the pond either), they'd likely rather just go home and less boats is less fun. I'd rather shoot at someone whose hull is too hard than no one at all. If you do the drop test before the event and someone doesn't pass, you'll only cause bad feelings if you push the issue, and then there will be an annoying cloud hanging over the group all day. Do the drop test at the end and if people don't pass they can re-sheet before the next event. Also, I don't want to be patching holes the morning of the event before I even get shot at once. :/ As with the above comments, I don't think anyone here is trying to cheat, and you're welcome to test my hull, I'd just prefer if you would wait until its been in atleast one sortie.
It think testing should be before you put your boat on the water. That way no one forgets to get tested. As to hard feelings does it really matter if they are out of compliance before or after you tested them? They were still too hard either way. I don't think any one wants to turn anyone away. Its more of a go fix it before the next battle thing not an attempt to ban someone pond side. If someone keeps ignoring that their hull is too hard, well that is different and maybe the subject of not letting them play should be brought up then.
Hovey, as a random aside, it will be good to battle with you again. I plan to make it to the first cle elum battle of the year...
Greg, so you missed putting holes in my Derf huh? Maybe when you get your Baden up and running I might be able to catch you and return the favor. I am really looking forward to battling this year.
Sounds good. we need two brass tubes. (1) 3/16" X 18" (2)1/8" X 12" if anybody has those bring them to the next battle. Or I can go out and get them
Yeah, we do. I didn't even notice the use of 'tubes'. I've got thick wall 1/4" brass tubing and the 1/8" brass rod. I'll cut off the appropriate lengths and bring to the next event. We can test before the first sorties so we don't miss people who need to leave early, anyone who doesn't pass will just need to resheet (or take off a few layers of paint) before the next event.
The rules state a tube. A rod maybe to heavy allow ships that normally wouldnt pass to pass the test. But if you think a rod will work better than lets do it.