Website Crash

Discussion in 'Website Suggestions' started by JustinScott, Mar 14, 2007.

  1. JustinScott

    JustinScott Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2006
    Hi there guys,

    Explanation of why the site crashed:
    Visit this site

    When the site crashed you were entirely cut off with no idea what happened; my future solution to this is to do my best to back the "newsletter" which wouldn't (shouldn't) have been affected by this problem. This system would have allowed me to send out a emergency letter explaining what happened & when it will be fixed.

    Visit this site

    I have assurances from my host that this WILL NEVER happen again. However, I am also very very happy I didn't trust their "nightly backups" either...

    • What do you think of the newsletter as a means of maintaining the communication if the website fails?

    • What do you think of migrating the email contact list from the forum to the newsletter so "if you sign up for the forum, you sign up for the newsletter?"
  2. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    Spot on Justin. I know there was mass confusion here when the "lines went dark" as it were. I would prefer to know in future anything relevant like the forum going down via e-mail. You could also send out upgrades/improvements/other announcements this way... it would be good. Found out who is interested ... Count me in.