Well it is time....

Discussion in 'Digital Design and Fabrication' started by ish311, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    cool, but..

    time to quit printing in PLA!

    the pausing, are you printing over USB or printing off an SD card? If its over the USB cable switching to print off the SD card will probably eliminate your pausing problem.
  2. ish311

    ish311 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2014
    North Central Florida
    have 2 more rolls of pla as it is cheap(on clearance) and quicker to learn basic 3d printer stuff with as zero bed prep other than wiping it down with a kimwipe to get dust off. and i will try printing off usb soon. just need to unpack my pile of sd cards soon. also need to learn where i can modify the gcode so that the temp drops the 5 degrees i need it to when on layer 3.
  3. ish311

    ish311 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2014
    North Central Florida
    e3d came today along with a roll of PLAdium clear i don't remember ordering and some bridge filament I do remember ordering. will go on the printer this weekend when i find my connectors. as long as i have
  4. ish311

    ish311 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2014
    North Central Florida
    e3d almost installed. put removable connectors on it as i'm going to get a smoothie board so i can build an auto leveler for the delta. 3 points of leveling just isn't working so switching to smoothie will help with my stutter ( not enough processing power) and enable me to get 14 points of calibration. just have to be able to remove and replace the hot end unit.

    old hot end still works and I will bring it with me to the May battle in Statesboro. might become a battle prize then. just a simple 2 thermsistor PET hotend.