What ship would be a good opponent for HMS Iron Duke in a duel?

Discussion in 'Scenarios / Gameplay' started by Xanthar, Jan 8, 2018.

  1. Anvil_x

    Anvil_x Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2017
    Athens, GA
    alrighty then. so weight of fire it is.

    So aside from that, what's the purpose of having the gun in that position in the first place? Is the position just marginal enough to warrant the firing arc, or only useful in less-than-frequent circumstances such as chasing down a heavily damaged opponent?
  2. Charley

    Charley Vendor

    Jul 17, 2015
    Lancing, Tennessee
    Mainly defensive with the ability of attacking unarmed/out of control ships
  3. Anvil_x

    Anvil_x Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2017
    Athens, GA
    good to know. thanks
  4. jadfer

    jadfer Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Houston, TX
    Anvil - you are right.. side-mounts will provide a higher score over stern guns... touchdowns and field goals as Jeff says... however if you don't have the skill to hit those side-mount shots.. they are useless in that arrangement. As a new captain I was more effective with dual stern guns in the Baden, as I improved over time I was able to land more hits with side-mounts.

    I like the Death Y in most any ship, it served me well in the Baden and especially so if you can get good down-angle with your bow gun. I have not been able to examine or determine how much bow down-angle I could get with the Seydlitz a this point but would start with a stern side-mount on each side and then go from there.

    As far as effective vs. the Duke.... I would say that a Nagato or Baden would be effective against Iron Dukes.. but as Bob said, it all depends on who is driving.. .some are easier sunk than others which is the same with any ship class.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2018
  5. Anvil_x

    Anvil_x Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2017
    Athens, GA
    cool, I'd like to rock dual sterns and dual haymakers on my Texas, but it looks like there's not enough clearance for a gun in C turret, and the best down angle I can get out of that turret is maybe five degrees down since it's in the widest part of the hull. So my current plan is a bow sidemount in B turret for max down angle with a 1.5 haymaker in D turret and dual sterns. I've been looking at your death-baden threads for a while now, fascinating setup. Once I get a few seasons into the boat, I'll take a solid look at the death-y setup or any other alternates.
    Beaver likes this.
  6. Renodemona

    Renodemona Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
    Reno, NV
    C turret isn't very useful as a side mount in TX. It's right at the center of your ship so you expose a lot of hull to put it on target. Not a big deal if your enemy can't shoot back, but if they can you will take a whole mess of damage before you get it on target. And at 28 seconds most faster ships won't even let you get it on target. Dual sterns with a haymaker and a bow sidemount in A turret is a more useful layout. Stern guns are easier to get on target while you learn the sidemount game. Sidemount in B turret is tempting but again thats more hull you expose to put it on target and holes in the bow let in more water when you move forward ;)
  7. Anvil_x

    Anvil_x Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2017
    Athens, GA
    yeah, already went that route a while back. The bow sidemount has been effectively useless so far, and I have spent all my time on the dual sterns anyways. I imagine if I used C turret, my midships would be even more peppered than it already is. still thinking of doing a variant of the death-Y in a later hull. unless something drastically changes, I'll probably stick with the conventional weapons layout in the TX.