Hi I am new to boat battling but am not new to boat making. I make model ships, my latest being a 1/350 scale King George V, but have never made anything that can move remotely. I have recently moved from the U.S. to Another country but hopefully this won't cause any problems. I am open to any advice or feed back.
well, getting into combat is going to be more difficult unless you've moved to Australia where there is an active BigGun community, or perhaps to Paris, France where we do have an intrepid member. Normally the first suggested step is to contact your nearest group. As you're somewhere else, I'd say step one is finding out if our hobby is legal where you are. Last thing you want to do is get arrested because you possessed a toy battleship that happens to launch little metal projectiles.
hi , as mentioned above the first thing to get past are gunlaws/ regulations and of course insurance. in australia we only have the big gun format as the rapid fire of fast gun would require all members to be firearm licence holders and battles would only be allowed to be partaken on approved firing ranges. with big gun we have an exemption from the firearm laws which permits us to build, arm and fire the ball delivery systems. that is your first hurdle otherwise with big gun a typical allied warslug would be equivelant to having 9 unregistered firearms in your possession. second of course is insurance as without public liability and product insurance you are a law suit waiting to happen. our insurance is covered with association to the SSAA here in australia. which is the sporting shooters association. then you can look at getting a club running and actually building boats without being harrassed by mr plod. now this is all for warships, so if you build merchant ships to start off or unarmed warships you wont have an issue sailing your boats anywhere on a public or private pond (as i do regularly to test run prior to battles). All in all it comes own to how passionate (insane) you are about getting into this glorious hobby.