I would love to take a big gun (rated at small gun speed) into a small gun fight. Even maintaining the X second between shots rule... But the speed differential makes it VERY tough, I think if the alsace would have had faster rotating cannons she would have had a better chance (almost a floating weapons platform).
I would say that if you ran Alsace at small-gun speed, I'd pay to see it go against Charley Stevens' North Carolina. That ship is phenomenal, the hardest hitting BB guns I've ever seen/heard. His nickname is the Termite in Region 3 (hence some people put molded anti-termite armor on their superstructure)
I guess there was a fast gun vs big gun battle that took place before I got involved. Apparently each club used its own rules. My impression is that big ships sunk a few fast gun when they could land a hit, but I know each of the big guns ships had to re skin after the battle. Andy
Yea I always wondered how my Yamato would do in BIGGUN style. Would love to see an even where you take the 2 styles and have them meet head to head or even more interesting have them as Axis vs Allie but mix them up so that the there are BIGGUN AND SMALLGUN on both fleets ..now that would be a very very interesting contest.
That would be absolutely crazy (read: FUN), Curt. If anyone gets one together anywhere near me, I'm game. After med school, if anyone gets one together on the continent, I'm game lol
If my Spahkreuzer were rated at Fast Gun speeds, I'd take it against any other ship on the pond. Big Gun, Little Gun, it doesn't matter. I'll send you ALL to the bottom! I will keep the new design requirements in mind when I rebuild SP-1's rusting propulsion unit. With ESCs it's easy to slow a ship down, not so easy to speed it up.
There are some guys in PA that have standing "run what you brung" rules & I assume all their events are like that. (I don't think its a big club though) Eitherway, I bet it wouldn't be that tough to create such a battle here in Michigan where GLAS/MBG/DBG/BBS/Treaty are all in reasonably good proximity. Curt, how far us nabs? Maybe something could come of this?
WERE LOCATED EASTERN SEABOARD,Canadian Maritimes, Nova Scotia. I myself am in my home provice NEWFOUNDLAND, the Big Island NORTHEAST OF CAPE BRETON. Just off the GrandBanks where TITANIC sank.
Above Maine, before Greenland, if you go east you hit europe... he knows where we are Curt! He goggled our location and is just playing with your mind. Shame on you Justin. Faking Curt out like that... I only have two words for you .... World Map?
HEHEHHEHEHEHEHHHEHEHHEHHEHEE... They were thinking: "Dumb American" NOW they are thinking "Bastard American" HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHEHHEHEHE....
Actually, at UC Davis (the university I attend), I'm about halfway between the WWCC (a big gun club), and the Cal-Neva Combat Club (fast gunners). Further south is the SCBG and SCRAP. We could theoretically host a 4-way multi-day campaign battle, or make it a free-for-all and invite you all to sink alongside us. "us" being the other californians, anyway. my Spahkreuzer would triumph over all comers!
If someone did and it was a decent video I would love to get a copy of that. Might be the start of an exciting format for RC COMBAT.
HEY!!!! HEY!!!! I got the answer. *clears throat* The ship that holds out longer in the fight is the one that takes the least amount of critical damage. Am I right?
No not necessarliy. A ship can hold out be the last one but still have more hull damage than a ship that pulled out in 10 minutes with least damage.
Depends on the ship again,teh conditions, and the way teh Captain is operating the ship. Depends on the battle situation too. Basically if the conditions are rough and the ship has smaller battery supply it's going to tax that ships systems which will reduce operating time. If teh conditinos are perfect but it's very hot or very cold it will still have an effect on running time and the Captain. Will the Captain pull out early because he is too hot or cold? If the battle is intense but there are only a couple of ships and they are engaged near the shore the ship will hold out longer if it just anchored somewhere where it will not be chased. If the ship is constantly being pursued it will decrease it's time on teh water as it is forced to use up battery power. Again a lot of different variables will have different results. A larger ship will certainlty hold out longer depending on how good the ship is setup, depends on that models effeciency with motor types ect. I have seen smaller ships hold out and last along with the large ships and vice versa.Shoot and Run you should last longer generally speaking.
I would say that the amount of critical damage is among the LEAST of the factors involved in who's out last. My little I-boat that could was capable of staying afloat with much more damage than some of the big BBs sank with. 34 belows with an intermittent pump, and she was still floating a tad deeper than waterline. (For non-MWCI types, we're not required to float at scale waterline. I do, but only because I like the ship to look, well, proper, which to the experienced sailor's eye means at waterline. If it's deeper, it looks like it's sinking)