Which ship holds out longer in a fight?

Discussion in 'Ship Comparison' started by JustinScott, Nov 28, 2006.

  1. warspite

    warspite Active Member

    Dec 26, 2007
    ☘️ The Irish Sea ☘️
    "The best thing MWC could do is get rid of the hit points, and only count the sinks."

    Rather than get rid of hit points, you should just consider capping them, say equal to the sink value of the ship (or some other reasonable value). At the end of the battle, you score points up to the cap, and then after the cap is reached, the only way to score more points against the ship is to have sunk it. People can still fight the way they want to fight, and you can remove the gamesmanship around dog-pilling on crippled ships and scuttling to save points. After a certain point you need to either put the enemy ship down, or go looking for a new target.

    Unfortunately I think going to a sink only system would disenfranchise a lot of players and play styles that were based around the existing point system.

    My 2 cents
  2. DeletedUser

    DeletedUser Guest

    i say the yamoto cause in real life if we didnt bomb it to death (till it rolled over and died) we would be under japanese command. The yamoto would kick your @$$
  3. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    I managed to make the ROMA turn decently. Aux rudders not installed on this one and no drag props. It turned well without it. I know that the Deutchland class ships manuever very well on their single rudder. Not all ships do. Hull stern shape and rudder shape and placement ect does affect steering. I know a particulary Yamato that can turn with a NorthCarolina. The Rudder is scale size and it turns all the way over each side. The props were much smaller too. I can't get my Yamato to turn like that. Don't feel bad about being ganged up on. Yamato ran an allied gauntlet and ended up going down fast with a lot of holes when the pump failed.
  4. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    Where were the aux rudders on Roma?
  5. djranier

    djranier Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2007
    Behind the outer props.
  6. webwookie

    webwookie Active Member

    Mar 12, 2008

    IMO, not counting hits for points (or at least capping them) could potentially promote improved team tactics; because the other team would score points not just for hitting a particular person's ship or their teammates', that person might be more inclined to coordinate with the foundering ship's captain to deny the opposition those sink points. Who knows, it could even improve the use of smaller vessels such as destroyers for screening larger vessels from attack (although I'm not sure how well it could be applied across MWC formats).
  7. djranier

    djranier Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2007
    Capping the points does not sound too bad either, right now the NC will just try to score 100's of aboves on a ship, to get the most point's, even if the other ship does not sink.

    Wow sounds like other ships might get made, instead of the all Allied fleet of NC's, and SD's. Since they would not count for as much.
  8. JustinScott

    JustinScott Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2006
    I must say I would rather throw out the points all together.

    Admittedly for purely personal reasons:
    #1 I hate counting.
    #2 I don't care who "won"; just how many ships lived (or more specifically died).

    I'm more impressed with the ship that can take a ton of damage, and still survive than the one that sank with no damage.

    I think no points would help the game too. What do we do when cargos are afloat? We protect them. Same thing would happen with cripples, all teammates would rush to help them... Or at least I would.
  9. DeletedUser

    DeletedUser Guest

    i would say the yamoto, the bismark and or x3 destroyers with torpedoes
  10. webwookie

    webwookie Active Member

    Mar 12, 2008

    To that end, where convoy vessels are in play, hits against transports could still be counted so as to ensure that the true goal of an attacker is to inflict damage against the cargo vessels (instead of needlessly engaging the convoy's escorts) while the defenders would be more inclined to keep near the vessels they were charged to protect (and thus perform the role of a screening force). It would reduce the incentive for a screening force to completely abandon the convoy to chase down an opposing force.
  11. DarrenScott

    DarrenScott -->> C T D <<--

    Dec 7, 2006