Mark, Please feel free to go ahead and build a Shimakaze if you like! I appreciate your kindness, but I won't be offended, I promise! Besides, with my work schedule, I'll be lucky to make it to more than 1 or 2 battles a year. My guess is that you might make most of them! Carl
We'll see, the I-400 is presenting me with some difficult engineering challenges (nothing I don't think I can't overcome with a little time and thought). I might consider the Shimakaze later after someone comes up with a rotating, multi tube(5), single shot torpedo launcher that won't sink the ship from the weight combined with the 3 double rotating turrets on board. a scary, fast ship if it can be done for sure, but the design problems are giving me a headache just thinking about it. so let me get the 400's and the yammers up to snuff first (need turrets to do that, hint, hint. you'll understand better when you see the ships completed)