This weekend, as nice as the weather is going to be, pretty much has almost 0 chance of working for me unfortunately - the High Command would not be pleased.
Excellent, I'll get the Suffren prepared. Phill, if you come up would you mind making me a copy of the cds w\ photos from last year? Don't worry about weeding out the bad ones, I'd be happy to take them in bulk and sort whats interesting to me vs what isn't on my own time.
It looks like next Saturday should work. Next Sunday may actually be a bit better. I'll try to get a read on the pond sooner than that. There are other possibilities if need be. I will have CO2.
I am still trying to convince her she wants one. After next weekend I dont think it will be a problem. I hadnt decided yet. I was thinking and transport ship or maybe a combat ship but nothing bigger than a class 3.
Phill, I got your email. I thought we agreed that Sunday would be the better day. You said Sunday worked better. I can also have my camera crew there on Sunday. Let me know. Oh!! One more thing. BRING IT! BIMARCK IS WAITING!!
I agree! I had a great time, I hope everyone else did too, even though I think Phil ended up drawing the short straw a few times... Edit, ok, apparently I can't stuff images in replies anymore.
yea I put that up on youtube. Does anybody have an extra popet valve head for a cannon? I was only sent three instead of four.
I was going to post a picture thread in here but until Justin fixes the wysiwyg editor functionality in here I cant. I guess I could go post them over in the multimedia section