Do I need diodes on them? I have firing boards, but am not entirely sure what ones they are. I was told I needed to find out if they had the diodes in them and if not to wire them in. Please educate me on this subject. Thanks.
Adding Diodes even if redundant will not hurt here is a link to a diagram I did a long time ago using Team deltas which wire the same as the firing circuits BC carries now (Exception you will not need the Diodes in the positive servo lead to reduce voltage todays electronics are rated much higher than those circuits back then)
Just heard from Ted who sold me the boat, they are bc boards. So I will do exactly what you recommend Charley. Thanks again.
Anyone have a good source for the diodes? I need to order them so I can have them shipped in time to be delivered by next weekend. Thanks. plus there are many other options out there
Thanks guys. I will say you guys at BC ship fast. I ordered a second regulator last night and it shipped out today. Thanks again to the BC crew.