Hi guys: FYI I quit my old job a while ago and have started my own repair and service shop. What does this have to do with combat ships you might ask, well nothing, except I have a fully stocked repair shop with tools and a meeting room for everyone and no one to ask if we can use it,( WELL almost no one i still have to ask my wife if I can come out to play) It is in burnside and easy to find and can be used for glassing. The Mississippi is there now having the deck done and motor mounts made.
Congrats John on starting your business. I am sure you will be succesful and yes it will be great to have a meeting place you can call your own.
Thanks and yes it is nice to have a shop to go to. Just going to Fredericton to open work shop #2 next week then its off to your neck of the woods in St John's in July or august for #3, but have to do a few trips over there between now and then, so maybe I can call and we can do lunch? Be good to talk shop again.
Same here Paul. I just did some work on NC today . First time I been at that boat since June 17 th. New job has most of my time tied up.
Hi John, Haven't seen any posts from you in months. Any progress on the Mississippi or workshop availability?