Dude! With that 45% win rate I guess you are taking some flak. Stick with your Scharny and your 58% WR on that boat. Not to shabby at all.
I could care less about win rate and I shouldn't have to take abuse because of it. I catch myself starring at the boat model instead of targets sometimes picking out details I hadn't noticed yet for godsakes. Scharnhorst is super-fun. People don't seem to target it as much as the Tirpitz. It deals out lots of citadels too.
Just giving you a hard time. I agree, there's some idiots in the game. Not as bad as the hotheads in WOT though. I wish they'd get the team battles back online. That was my favorite part of the game.
What is up with the Tier 10 games lately. Everytime I play I have to deal with 5 DDs most of the time sometimes 6 on the enemy team. Nothing but Spam Torps every direction.
WoWS is getting frustrating lately. I have stopped progressing past T6 because the higher level gameplay does not work with my play style. I hate the island-camping and edge-of-range BB sniping. I especially hate it that if you try to push your own team just camps out at the starting point. T6 isn't as bad, but I quit the last ranked season because it was getting that way.
T6 is pretty balanced for all the classes. CV is kind of weak at all tiers right now. Not sure how to address that, but seems like very few good CV players and those that are tend to be VERY good. I like Cruiser play, kind of do it all but nothing particularly good. Liking the Leander.
I play co-op battles with my carriers because in regular games my planes just get eaten up by the opposition. I assume that there must be some cheats available that I don't have. My fighters regularly lose against half their numbers.
"The Russians are Coming the Russians are coming", egermancy. If the Ruskies want to see into my machine they can just like the NSA.
Don't mean to post on an older thread, but making a new one would seem silly I've just started back playing it on my pc, got to teir 4 stuff before not being able to play for a while. also have it on my phone, the Blitz version. anyone have any tips? for either pc or phone? I've been focusing US, but there are a lot more ships on the PC, so I'm wanting to branch out there.
I wish the pc and mobile versions were compatible as I've got money into premium ships so not starting over.
I haven't sunk money into either. The mobile version is missing a lot of ships, to the point only US and Japan have a full tree. I'm only gonna work on US destroyers, cruisers, and battleships on the phone. other than that, I'll go to my PC, even though all I've gotten there so far is US ships to teir 4. I think I'm gonna try out the Germans though. might save Japanese choir the phone as well, but idk.
Just an FYI... I have a clan in WoWs called "GOFU". Stands for "Grumpy Old Farts United". Our motto is "Get off my ocean"!