A view of the armor belt, bulge and the boat stowage area. Again, as you can see the hull shape dictates the use of 2 stringers on this hull.
There is a chance that the Yamato may come out of storage. It may be a good idea to build the model now, being that it is so large and I am not getting any younger. One question is, the sponson area where the life boats were stored. Can it be built hard? Thanks
There are similar sponsons for lifeboats on many Japanese ships including the two I'm building: Ibuki and Amagi. Neither is quite 3/8" deep so they are within the deck stringer area with just enough stringer left to support the top edge of the balsa sheeting. How deep are the sponsons on Yamato? Bob
Look at page 3 of this thread. You can se the area in a couple of the pictures. This is a BC hull that I am working with. The shap of the area in question would be very very hard to plate. It's also above the sinking deck, so since we don't count bb damage, well you know. Thanks, Bob
I'm not terribly concerned about that area being penetrable. I do feel that if we add impenetrable area such as casements and stringers, that hard area should come out of somewhere else, such as the bow, or having deeper windows. I feel that 85% penetrable should mean 85% penetrable...not 85% minus whatever hard area your mind can justify adding. Sadly that's a rule change I'd never get through.
I worked on my Bismarck project last night and mixed up some extra epoxy. I was able to install the main subdeck in Yamato last night. I check this morning to see how it turned out and am very happy with the results. I have the extreme forward deck cut and hope to epoxy that in tonight. I may even be able to get the aft subdeck ready to go in. I hope to be able to run Yamato in ALL the fast gun formats. More later,