SOLIDWORKS, fusion 360, solid edge. First is 100 bucks a year for maker edition, second is free but has some feature limitations, third has full featured community edition but not as popular as the other two
All the cool kids use Fusion 360. Unfortunately, I learned Sketchup, and so my brain is broken now. But yay, free! (I've been using Fusion 360 to generate gears, though. Huzzah!)
Trust me, learn Fusion. Sketchup is not ‘free’. You are locked into their part format and converting it to something like STEP (a universal solid format) or even an STL requires a license or some janky plugin.
To those who are using Fusion 360 do you have the full paid version ? I find the hobby one seems quite limited. Having a tough time with it.
So... these may not be popular on this forum but, you can be productive, with out any licensing issues, using FreeCAD and or OpenSCAD. Both are free as in no cost and free as in there are no usage restrictions. Here's a hull I'm working on with FreeCAD