Finally, some forward motion on the build. Strike has finished their CNC mill, so I expect to have decks by the end of the month. I can't wait!
Good to to hear! Do you have your ribs marked out so you can start cutting once you have the subdeck glued fast?
I would, but I have absolutely no clue whatsoever where to mark the ribs. I am going to need lots of help on that. I will also need guidance on where to put in the water channel, and how to make it.
OK, here is a little help on the ribs. Couple things you'll need to know. 1. Scharnhorst's length from the shiplist is 64.25" 2. Allowable hard area which is 15% of total length, is 9.6" From that number, we will subtract 3". (two for the bow hard area, and one for the stern) That leaves us with 6.6 inches of usable rib area. We then divide that number by .25 to see how many 1/4" ribs you can have per side. In this case, we can have 26.4 or just 26 ribs. Rib spacing is dependant on personal preference, but assuming your first rib is 2" from the bow hard area you can space the rest of the ribs 2.20" from each other on centers. Hope this gives you an idea of what you need to do. I would measure your hull to see how close it is to the shiplist measurement. If its off, you'll have to base all your measurements off that.
Here is a thread with a Scharnhorst hull marked out. Thought it might help you.
Happy New Years 2016 everybody! This new year comes with long awaited good news! THE DECKS ARE ON THE WAY!!!