Thanks! It’s a big gun NTXBG boat; and the guys are telling me it’s compliant. HOWEVER I would be interested in making it cross compatible with IRCWCC. I’ll read the rules tomorrow and see if I can set it up both ways.
Setup a garage session sometime on a Saturday in December and I'll see if I can drop by and show you a ship or two. First weekend or two would probably be best.
Soooo not sure if you saw but -someone- uploaded a full Deutschland class superstructure to the resources…
TBH It didnt even dawn on me because that superstructure is ‘for’ the ADM Graf Spee. And then I was like “wait… the AGS is a Deutschland class…’
Update - Added Pump housing. No idea IF or how well it'll work. I'm happy with the custom outlet cut into the deck. Looking at it, I think i'll at least need to attach a motor... ahahah.. ...also added rudder control planes.
Improvements to the pump... - It is now fully removable from the hull, so I can iterate on new designs if needed. - It has more screw holes to hold it down, although I'll probably just plastic-weld it. - Added lip to water tract, to make it more difficult for water to escape when under pressure. Just a tiny bit of space between the pump mouth and the bottom of the waterchannel.
On the pump? Or in the hull? The hull is using Big gun rules & the local club agreed it met regs. I might improve it for fast gun compliance, but been too lazy so far.