No, Nick, I didn't flush the motor, but I did test a different motor that hasn't seen water and the results are the same. This is why I think the problem lies in the ESC. I don't have a spare one of those to test though.
That would have been good info to relay from the start. Check the programming for something like 'initial acceleration' or 'soft start'
My apologies. I tested the other motor last night and forgot about it until Absolutek mentioned about a spare. I'll check the programing in a minute.
Ok, there wasn't anything like 'initial acceleration' or 'soft start', but there was an Advance Timing and Run Mode. Advance timing was set at 2, which stands for medium. The other options were 1-low, 3-high, and 4-highest. Run Mode was set at 2 with no explanation as to what it means. The other options were 1 and 2 two.
Yes, I didn't realize it had that feature since I was checking off of the basic programing paper for the programing card. I'll see what that is set at.
Well anyway, I'm not going to worry about it. I decided to redo the propulsion system on Suffren. New motor and a different ESC, plus I'm going from geared to direct drive. Current motor is way fast and takes a fairly large ESC to run it. New motor is much slower and will suite my new direct drive setup well I hope. Motor: The ESC will handle the motor and is considerably smaller which will free up much needed space. Once I get some substantial work done, I'll take some photos.
I'm in need of a little assistance. With dual sterns, are accumulator tanks necessary? If so, should I have one tank for both guns or one for each? Also what is a good size? Thanks
I'd run a long length of the large-diameter (1/8" I.D.) Clippard hose to the valves, and have the valves near the guns. The long hose should be plenty of 'accumulator' I'm sure others will disagree, and that's fine
I disagree! Tugs plan is fine. Or you can do one accumulator per gun. Some folk put check valves on them, i do, some dont. Your mileage may vary. The Suffren I ran for 2 years didnt have anything and did just fine my my rate of fire.
Alright then, I'll go with tug's suggestion. Another question, for the MAV-3 valve what diameter hose do I need supplying it and what dia. hose from that to the MPA's?
Progress report: Here is the ship as it stands. You can see the magazine fill ports and the new rear superstructure. (the old superstructure is still MIA) Here is a closer, albeit blurry, photo of the stern area. Magazines are bent to be able to quickly be refilled without removing the deck. I still have to permanently mount the magazines to the deck and make something to keep the gun barrels from shifting side to side. Below is the bracket to keep the Co2 bottle tilted upwards and the keep it from rolling around. Also you can see the revised Co2 supply output. Previous design had the pressure test valve on top with the two hose barbs on the sides. This setup took up a lot of room, so I moved the valve to the side, put a tee on the other end and plugged the top. Much more compact. EDIT: Forgot to mention that this whole setup will be turned upside down to keep the weight low in the hull.
Now that I'm finally getting to the point of putting everything into the boat, I'm finding out that there isn't a whole lot of spare room. The main problem I've been having lately is where to locate the MAV-2 valves. They're big and there just wasn't any nice place to put them. I think I finally found a good spot to put them though. Right on the underside of the deck above the magazines. There is anything wrong with mounting them so high in the hull is there?
I like the multiple guns already. Think it's possible to have a rotating turret? I'm interested in doing it. I just don't know if it's legal.
McSpuds did one in his Mutsu. IJN Mutsu - The Beast from the East | R/C Warship Combat With video: IJN Mutsu's Rotate | R/C Warship Combat
Generally, you want stuff that's made of brass (heavy) low in the boat. A five or six inch run of small hose from the valve to the gun won't hurt you, so that's about as far as I'd go in moving the valves laterally. If you can't put them anywhere else, then under the deck it is, just keep in mind that you will need to make heroic efforts to position weight low in the hull to make up for the valves being up there, lest you wind up with a nickname like 'Tippy' EDIT: Mutsu is a lot bigger than Suffren, and can get away with it.
Anywhere else, it's sort of in the way, but I'll double check tomorrow and see if I can position it lower in the hull.
Ran out to the shop and checked. Seems the second best spot is beside the motor next to the pump. Will be a little cramped....