have any of you built a destroyer

Discussion in 'Ship Comparison' started by jimmybeekeeper, Jan 23, 2015.

  1. jimmybeekeeper

    jimmybeekeeper Active Member

    Aug 2, 2014
    ten mile tn
    how small can i go and still have everything to battle there are pretty small boats listed in the irc list
  2. Lou

    Lou It's just toy boats -->> C T D <<-- Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 31, 2008
    Smyrna, Georgia
    look in the build threads to see what is being built. That being said, a destroyer is a lot of work for a limited return. You only get 50 bb;'s
  3. jimmybeekeeper

    jimmybeekeeper Active Member

    Aug 2, 2014
    ten mile tn
    yeah i was looking for some hulls to model to hone my skill smaller is cheaper but if i ever wanted to outfit it i would like to be able to that being said seems like if you have such a small boat staying alive means being the smallest target possible
  4. jimmybeekeeper

    jimmybeekeeper Active Member

    Aug 2, 2014
    ten mile tn
    do you think all the boats listed in the irc ships list should be possible to outfit for combat under the weight possible is the question :-} maybe not smart lol
  5. SteveT44

    SteveT44 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    I concur. My first boat is a DD. It was a fun and very challenging effort to get it on the water. I'ts a blast to drive but I'd highly recommend a larger boat for your first model. Especially if you've never built an R/C boat before. Cost is a relative factor. Though my DD has less bits, the bit's it does have can be more expensive than basic hardware for a larger boat. Small boats also use disposable CO2 capsules which will cost you $4 a battle and that adds up. And as VVaholic mentions, 50 bb's is all you get and it doesn't add much firepower to your team.

    Check out the build thread here: https://rcwarshipcombat.com/threads/mogador-build-fastgun.441895/
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2017
  6. jimmybeekeeper

    jimmybeekeeper Active Member

    Aug 2, 2014
    ten mile tn
    no you misunderstood i am currently building my first boat a cleveland class cruiser 3 units almost 51 inches long .
    i have no intention of outfitting the destroyer i want to build my wood working skills a bit after i get my hull done the cheaper statement was in relation to wood{ less wood in a 2 foot boat than a 4 foot boat }
    that said my minds a zinging with thoughts of a 2 inch beam dd with a forward cannon @2 feet long could be a lot of fun trying to get close and shoot my gun without dying lol probably would sink if it took 12 bb hits:-}

    i have read that build thread i will however re read it now that i have some intereest in the size ship.

    was it hard to get everything in under weight?

    i was looking at a v and w class destroyer models at 26 inches long2.5 wide 1.425 pounds
    thats not much weight even being able to go over a pound
  7. Lou

    Lou It's just toy boats -->> C T D <<-- Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 31, 2008
    Smyrna, Georgia
    Build a convoy ship, I believe there are plenty of free plans
  8. Maxspin

    Maxspin -->> C T D <<--

    Jul 30, 2014
    Yelm, Washington
    There is some good advise.
    Tugboat likes this.
  9. Cannonman

    Cannonman Ultimate Hero :P -->> C T D <<--

    Apr 9, 2008
    Hermitage, Tn
    HERE is a link to my tiny destroyer build, a Orfey class Russian destroyer.

    HERE is a link to Tugboat's tiny destroyer build, also an Orfey Class.

    HERE is a link to Webwookie's Design of the Orfey class, and some discussion on it.

    HERE is a link to Mark's Gridley build.

    HERE is a link to Kerndog91's Mogador build.

    HERE is another link to Steve's Mogador build, I just added this so that all links would be in an easier to find post for future reference.

    These are the most complete threads I am aware of, but there may be others.

    You will notice some common denominators with the small destroyers..... They require exponentially more cost, engineering, innovation, access to tools, skill, and outside of the box thinking to get them done than the larger ships. If you decide to undertake a small ship like these, think LIGHT right out of the box, and try to do your best to continue that train of thought throughout the build. You can't start out aimlessly building away without some major plans for shaving weight and expect to still be afloat at the end of it. That being said, I loved all the trial and error, and engineering that I went through to get to where I am currently in my build, it has been more mentally rewarding for me than the other boats I have in process due to the added sense of accomplishment.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2017
    NickMyers likes this.
  10. ish311

    ish311 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2014
    North Central Florida
    I'm working on a destroyer as well and it should be completed in the coming weeks.

    will....whatever point it's at now, reiterate that space is at a super premium in a destroyer but i'm not having as much worry about weight as others have.

    The only part that i have saved money on compared to the kongo class i am building is the gun itself. due to the fact that you only get one.
  11. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    Yeahhh, I started an Orfey in there somewhere too. I bring it to the pond to show interested folk when they ask about a destroyer. I can't really recommend them. Even if you get everything to fit, and have it float and stay upright and controllable... you're only packing maybe 50bbs. A lot of work and money for so little effect. Far easier and more rewarding to build something a little on the larger side.
  12. Cannonman

    Cannonman Ultimate Hero :P -->> C T D <<--

    Apr 9, 2008
    Hermitage, Tn
    I have to agree with Nick. The challenge of the build was fun for me, but in all honesty, it's effectiveness in an actual battle is probably negligible, and certainly not worth it when you factor in battle effectiveness vs effort to build. I did it just out of morbid curiosity, and I am still not done enough to call it truly feasible. If I were small gun, or interested in arming only 1 cannon with bbs it would probably be battle ready by now, but I wanted torpedos to pack more punch in it. It's truly more of a novelty to give another dimension to the battle, at least on something as small as the Orfey class. The larger destroyers are probably more battle worthy, and big enough to be buildable without going to ridiculous lengths to get them done. Something like the Gearing, Mogador, Shimakaze or Le Fantasque (all about double the displacement of Orfey) are probably good choices to be buildable as well as fun to battle.
  13. rcengr

    rcengr Vendor

    Feb 13, 2010
    I agree that most of what I enjoy about building is the extra engineering required to make the destroyer work. It's also why I have several sub 1 ounce airplanes. The components that I'm using are not individually much more expensive than their larger counter parts. But some of the parts like the pump must be handmade since there were no commercial alternatives. So there is certainly extra work involved.

    As far as a destroyer being effective... it depends on the battle. I once agreed to a 1 v 1 battle of my Roanoke cruiser against a Tashkent. What I didn't understand, and the other captain did, was that every time I reversed direction I was a stationary sitting duck for several seconds. He took his time lining up every shot and sank me with his 50 rounds. A rather humbling, but still fun, battle.
    Tugboat likes this.
  14. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
  15. Cannonman

    Cannonman Ultimate Hero :P -->> C T D <<--

    Apr 9, 2008
    Hermitage, Tn
    Sub 1 oz airplanes!? That's insanely cool!! :woot: Not to derail the thread, but do you have any pictures??
  16. jimmybeekeeper

    jimmybeekeeper Active Member

    Aug 2, 2014
    ten mile tn
    what i want to know is are they as nimble as it seems to me they would be being so narrow there isnt much to hit and at about 2 foot not much when they come in close and turn to run and several are 22 second boats thats fast
    it seems reasonable if you could hit a ship 50 times below the water line it would sink, nay i say 30 let me know if i am wrong and the way i see it, its the same game a cruiser plays maybe a bit different tactically but you have to make every shot count and have no chance one on one with a class 4 or above so its all tactics i could have fun with that a little boat running right up and puttin 4 or 5 bbs into a class 5 and then running away bbs splashing all around me glancing off the stern lol
  17. Maxspin

    Maxspin -->> C T D <<--

    Jul 30, 2014
    Yelm, Washington
    You will not be putting belows with a destroyer. Best you could hope for would be on water line. Most will be above waterline hits. Destroyers have aft cannons. Aft cannons do not have down angle. Destroyers sit low in the water, so you will have a nice flat trajectory, but no belows.
  18. jimmybeekeeper

    jimmybeekeeper Active Member

    Aug 2, 2014
    ten mile tn
    i dont have one in hand but this destroyer looks to have a high enough rear gun to get a below with 20 degree down angle

    it has a high aft gun mount

    clemson class destroyer.jpg

    admittedly the forward gun has no chance below the water line
  19. absolutek

    absolutek -->> C T D <<--

    Sep 6, 2009
    Ontario, Canada
    You're not going to get 20° down angle or belows with that Clemson either. That's if you can manage to build it and keep it to weight and stable.
  20. rcengr

    rcengr Vendor

    Feb 13, 2010
    The balsa airplane is 24 grams while the P-40 is 4 grams, including batteries. Both cost considerably less than a destroyer (to keep it on topic)

    On my Gridley, it looks like the down angle is about 6 degrees, including the expected stern squat when you goose it just before firing.